
今天是国际啤酒日. 自2007年以来,啤酒爱好者一直在庆祝这一天. Today is the day of the year to gather your friends to enjoy the taste of beer.

Why is this relevant to a specialty chemicals company such as Perstorp you ask? 化学无处不在,单个分子可以发挥作用. So today we’d like to celebrate some of the molecules that make the beer style that you like, taste the way it does 和 relate them to molecules that we work with every day.

酸不仅在我们的许多行业和领域发挥着重要作用, 它们在啤酒的味道中也扮演着重要的角色. 当你想到酸的时候,你想到的是酸. That is not always the case (though sometimes it is as you will read about later). 啤酒花为啤酒提供所谓的α酸, which are responsible for the bitter taste in beers 和 have long been used for their preserving properties. 听起来很熟悉? Many of the organic acids used in animal nutrition are used for the same reason. 
A beer style known for its exceptional bitterness 和 expressive hop flavors is the IPA (India Pale Ale). That beer type is said to have originally been made more bitter than usual to increase the preservative functions of the alpha acids so that the beers could survive the long trip from Britain to India 和 provide refreshments to the Brits t在这里. After a while the taste simply became very popular 和 that popularity continues globally today. 

As mentioned some acids that can play a role to make beers taste more sour. Well established beer styles that are notably sour include Belgian Geuze 和 Lambic 和 German Berliner Weisse 和 Gose. Though all distinct beer styles each of them is noticeably more acidic than most other beers on the shelve today. Many acids are responsible for this pH reduction but the main responsible is usually acetic acid followed by formic acid. 这两种酸柏斯托都有很长的历史. Acetic acid was one of the first products produced by Perstorp 140 years ago 和 formic acid is produced by Perstorp today with applications in animal nutrition 和 leather tanning.
The acids that make these beer styles more acidic are produced by natural strains of bacteria that convert the wort alongside or even before the yeast does. Acid producing bacteria occur naturally so the beers that were drunk in more primitive cultures w在这里 most likely all more acidic then we are used to today. 

一旦你开始听说酯类,就没有回头路了. 酸和醇反应时可以生成酯. Some beer styles are known for their high amount of esters that can be interpreted to tase like banana, 茴香, 苹果和更多的东西. 这些是由酵母产生的更微妙的味道. Rule of thumb is that the more you push the upper limit of the preferred fermentation temperature of the yeast, 生成的酯就越多. Some yeast strains also just produce infamously large amounts of specific esters. Styles known for high ester impact on the flavor are German Weizen/Weissbier (banana 和 clove) 和 Belgian Saison (floral, 柑橘类). 
著名的Perstorp酯十大正规网堵平台包括 老ProPhorce™, ProSid™MI 700Pevalen™. We also supply both acids 和 alcohols that are esterified to be used in the 合成润滑油板块

每个人都知道啤酒含有酒精. 但并不是所有的醇都是一样的. 一般来说,酒精可以分解成乙醇和甲醇. Ethanol is the one you want in beer but harmless amounts of methanol may also be found. 尤其是较重的啤酒也可能含有一些所谓的杂醇酒. They can give the beer a more alcoholic taste 和 scent that gives some strong beers this warming sensation. 和所有事情一样,平衡是关键. Too much fusel alcohols can ruin a beer, for example making it smell of kerosine. 

Methanol alcohol is an important starting point for many of Perstorp’s processes to create our products. That is why being able to produce it in a low-carbon, renewable 和 circular thanks to 项目的空气 对我们来说意义重大. 

除了痛苦, hop also attributes more subtle hop flavors that can range from earthy 和 complex to downright citrussy 和 juicy. Those flavors are created by the essential oils that are also found in hops. A newer beer style known to focus on extracting these wonderful hop flavors without a corresponding bitterness is the New Engl和 IPA style. 如果你买的是新鲜的,你可能会误以为它们是果汁. 
许多积极的好处都归功于精油. 使用的精油 ProPhorce™PH值 have been added due to their synergistic effect on the effects of organic acids in animal nutrition. 

历史证明,有些啤酒是出了名的难以复制. Usually that had something to do with the water profile in the city w在这里 they originated. 这适用于来自特伦特河畔伯顿(英国)的国际淡啤。, world renowned Pilseners from Plzen in the Czech republic 和 the aforementioned Gose from Leipzig. 尽管这些水的剖面都非常不同, salts are generally used to mimic the effect that these local water profiles would have on taste. 硫酸钙, 氯化钙, 泻盐, 酿酒师用氯化钠和许多其他物质来酿造啤酒.g. 强调痛苦的表达(特伦特河畔伯顿), 微妙的平衡(Plzen)或添加轻微的咸味(Gose啤酒).

你也可以在柏斯托的十大正规网堵平台组合中找到几种盐. 一个特别值得一提的十大正规网堵平台proproce™AC 299 that is a sodium formate based dry solution to help manage the dietary electrolyte balance of animals.

这是化学无处不在的又一个例子. We’d love to hear from you if t在这里 are notable molecules that we missed in this article. 
Interested in reading our previous publications to celebrate international beer day?

Similarities between working for Perstorp 动物营养 和 brewing beer >>

What beer 和 silage have in common >>




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